7th Anniversary of Future War Stories!

It is that time again when FWS celebrates another year of being active and kickin'. This year has been one of the hardest for me personally and that has reflected in the work output of FWS. Seriously, there have been dark times. I moved to Austin without my family, traveled around the nation opening medical clinics for my new/old company, and tried to support my wife has she took care of our three kids. I've never missed my family so much or felt more alone. While this was going on, our foster daughter returned to us four months ago was an answer to our hopes, the stress of moving and selling our house has been extreme. In the middle of all this, I've been attempting to keep FWS going and it was not always successful. I've been terrible at returning messages and emails, and I think I've alienated some fans and business partners. For that, I am truly sorry. This has been the worst of times and some of my life is still up in the air with the fact that lost my job during my writing of this. blogpost. That's right. The job I moved down to Austin to take fired me for lame causes. I guess It doesn't matter anyways, I wasn't happy in Austin and I missed home. FWS and my family will be staying in the Dallas area! I'm back and I'm staying! Anyways, thanks to everyone that reads, comments, and shares...you make FWS live and breath. I am grateful to all of you and I hope that we celebrate many more FWS anniversaries! Now back to writing the next military science fiction masterpiece..and trying to find a job. Kill me now.

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