FWS Comic Review: SHRAPNEL Volume: I and II (Radical Comics)
The Plot of Volume One and Two of Shrapnel
It is the 23rd century, and humanity has spread out among the planets, moons, and asteroids of the solar system. As man is conquering space, man is also reordering their own DNA to improve themselves and better the species as a whole...but at a price. The ones that can afford genetic modifications for their children are at the top tier of Terran society, while the ones that cannot afford the modifications are left out in the cold. The Solar Alliance, based on Terra and lead by the genetically modified are using the strength of the Terran military to impose their type of society and government on the settled places in the Solar System. In 2250, an ex-Solar Alliance Marine by the name of Samantha Narayan, is living on Venus, and attempting to avoid the Terran government, but they coming knocking to control Venus. The 2nd rock from the sun is the last free colony in the Sol system, welcoming all under equal citizenship, and it has become a place of people seeking relief from the harsh social laws and rules of the Solar Alliance. When the Marines coming to Venus, Sam is forced back into an XO powered armor suit to defend her new home and lead the ragtag volunteers of the Venus milita.
I will discuss Volume One Aristeia Rising first, and follow up with Volume Two Hubris. The good elements I discussed above for Volume One become the bad elements as the comic goes deeper into the war between Venus and the Solar Alliance. Main character and ex-Marine Sam quickly becomes the savior of Venus and the only one who seems to have any military experience and her actions alone are the saving grace for the Venus government. This grows tiresome and overplayed. Then there is the writing. Some of it is fine, some of it is not. But, during the battle scenes, it is downright comically. The words written seems more like kids playing with toy soldiers and mimicking things they've heard in war films. with shouts of commands and directions. It just doesn't work here, nor does the art support the dialog, making for a disconnect. While these elements of Volume One are negative, Aristeia Rising is better as a whole than its 2011 sequel: Hubris. Volume Two is simply flawed on every level, and simply fails as a comic and sequel. The art, story, dialog are all lacking. It is filled with bad dialog, a weak uninteresting story, and a solar system road-trip trope. I was simply amazed that some of the same creative staff were involved with this mess as the first 2009 limited series. It really seems like the creative team ran out of creative gas when it came time for a sequel. The worse thing I can write about this comic series, is that when you read Hubris, it makes want for something better. I wish Radical Comics had extended the first series with more issues to deepen the story, because it seems that is where the organic story of Sam and the attack on Venus should live and stay. I honestly do not think that Shrapnel needed a sequel. In some ways, Shrapnel: Hubris is The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or ALIEN: Resurrection of the Shrapnel comic world: it is something that simply should not existence and only born out of greed. It was a sequel that was not suppose to exist and it's poor concept is proof positive of it invalid nature.
Should You Read Shrapnel?
The Shrapnel and Oblivion Connection
During the research phase of this blogpost, I ran across some other reviewers and websites charging Radical Comics with using Shrapnel has a vehicle to get a Hollywood deal, much as they did with Oblivion. Everyone knows that Oblivion is a 2013 sci-fi movie starring Mr. Tom Cruise, and some may know that it was some sort of graphic novel published by Radical Comics...but that is not what really happened. While there was a promised graphic novel for 2012 by Radical Comics, what was given away at the booth at the San Diego Comic-Con was a called an "pitch kit" by Oblivion creator Joseph Kosinski and was developed during the Writers' Strike of 2007.
What does this have to do with Shrapnel? These sites say that Radical Comics and Zombie Studios was attempting to do the same thing with Shrapnel, selling the idea of the comic via impressive concept art and action scenes to peak Hollywood's interest and help Radical Studios to create these films. This formula has worked several times in the past for Radical, and this makes me wonder about if Shrapnel was ever intended to be "a real comic" or the art-book/sales-brochure that the Oblivion "graphic novel" was? Is this why the comic book limited series sequel to Shrapnel Aristeia Rising sucked?
Wasn't There Going to be an Shrapnel Movie and Video Game?!
What about the video game promised by a stunning CGI trailer by Zombie Studios? The very genesis of the comic was by Zombie Studios head Mark Long, and it was natural that he would develop a video game around the comic...but what happened to it? Once again, nothing. The big console military sci-fi game promised by Zombie was never developed in any tangible way before Zombie Studios folded up shop in 2014. There is little on the game that would have been developed for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC. However, one Shrapnel game was developed and released: the Shrapnel game for the iPhone/iPad. This was 3rd person shooter game have the gamer take control of Sam in her XO APS that was a more simplistic vision of the dark world that Sam operates in. The interviews were positive, but once again, when Zombie folded, it dooming the game to stagnation.
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